Back Squat

Work up to 75% for 1 set of 5. Then, 1 Drop set AMRAP. Your drop set should be down 15kg if your set of 5 is over 170kg. Drop 10kg down if your set of 5 is under 170kg. Target a linear progression each week in your heavy set of 5. Target 5kg increase each week if your set of 5 is over 170kg. Target 2.5kg each week if your set of 5 is under 170kg


Dbl under practice



75 power snatches for time 75/55#


CORE: 50 hollow rocks


POwer CLean + Hang Clean

4 sets of 1+1. After the power clean, lower the bar from the power position and hinge at the hip, back to the knee with a 5 second eccentric on the way down and a 1 second isometric hold at the knee. Start at 70% of 1 RM Clean and Jerk. Stay at the same weight for all sets. Target a linear progression each week. Target a 5 kg increase each week if work sets are above 1000 kg. Target a 2.5 kg increase each week if work sets are below 100 kg.
2-5 HSPU
5 RFT:
5 Burpee Box Jumps, 20″
15 OHS, 75/55
200m Run