WOD 1:

50 HSPU (25 strict/25 kipping)

40 kb swings (AHAP)

30 box jump overs

20 c2b pull ups

10 OHS 135/95#

rest as needed

WOD 2:

3 rounds for time

7 squat clean 225/145#

7 Muscle ups



Back Squat

Start by working to 90% of your 1RM Back Squat. Then, 1 drop set of 5 reps. Drop set at 30kg down if your 90% is above 150kg. Drop set at 20kg down if your 90% is below 150kg. Linear progression each week. Target a 10kg increase each week if your 90% is above 150kg. Target a 5kg increase each week if your 90% is below 150kg.


100 dbl unders

40 kb swings (AHAP)

30 power cleans 135/95#

20 box jump overs 24/20

10 OHS 135/95#

15 box jump overs

20 power cleans

30 kb swings

100 dbl unders