High hang power snatch (work to heavy double)

Snatch deadlift off blocks just below knee (work up to 5rm)

Strict press 3×4 @ AHAP


Tabata — alternate movements


C2b pull ups


Double KB thrusters (53/35#)


Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest x 8 rounds.  In this workout you will do 20 seconds of C2B pull ups, rest 10 seconds, and then do 20 seconds of double kb thrusters followed by 10 seconds of rest.  You will repeat this sequence for 8 minutes (or 8 sets of each movement).

Core: 3×ME strict t2b



Power snatch EMOM 12

3@ 65%


Tabata — alternate movements




Thrusters 95/65#


Tabata is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest x 8 rounds.  In this workout you will do 20 seconds of burpees, rest 10 seconds, and then do 20 seconds of thrusters followed by 10 seconds of rest.  You will repeat this sequence for 8 minutes (or 8 sets of each movement).


Core: 3xme unbroken t2b